
Posts Tagged ‘Columbia’

Building Wealth Within has partnered up with Eagle Grip Promotions.  Building Wealth Within was designed to help others in their personal and business growth.  Yesterday I met with Todd Faulkner the President and CEO of Eagle Grip to ask him “Why does helping others promote their products and service means so much to you?”  and “Why not just promote your own products?”  Todd stated that he has always had a passion to helping other success.  He came up with the American Strong Tour 2012.

Todd began to explain what the American Strong Tour 2012 represented or its mission statement.  American Strong is a three-point system that is designed to bring the pride back to the country while helping those who deserve help the most. We simply with strive to Unite our fellow countrymen, businesses and organizations that are making a difference in their communities; that ultimately affects the entire nation.

American Strong is also the attitude of serving our fellow-man. Our goal is to connect with men and women, businesses and organizations to make a difference by serving.  Our goal is to be there when a major disaster happens in this great country, representing, as well as giving men, women, businesses, either an Act of God, or that they need assistance due to tragedy striking in their lives. Unemployment, hunger, and basic human needs like clothing, shoes and a place to sleep will be targeted.

Also, American Strong believes that without those brave men and women that have served both at home and abroad for our freedom, by standing in the gap and putting themselves in harm’s way, we would not be able to live in this great land, and all America owes them a debt.  One of the mission’s of American Strong is to support our troops coming home, to help the families of the soldiers fighting for our freedom, as well as being ready to assist the families of the soldiers fighting for our freedom, as well as being ready to assist the families of local police and fireman who are left behind after tragedy strikes in the line of duty.

American Strong believes that by combining with business people, entrepreneurs, and inventors, we can accomplish one of the most needed missions of our country; the creation of employment for veterans, and other Americans that want to support their families and that have been affected by economic disaster that has hit our shores.

Quite simply, American Strong’s mission is unite, serve, support, and create.  We know that accomplishing our mission will give back to the world, the model of that shining city on the hill.

Find out how your business can join in the mission of the American Strong Tour 2012 by going to http://www.astgolfshow.com.  Please feel free to leave Comments, “Like us” on Eagle Grip Promotions Facebook Page, Tweets, or Share this Link to others that will benefit in supporting that mission.

To Your Success,

Amy Walker


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